
I am a William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor at Duke University. I received my PhD from Imperial College London and the London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT) under the supervision of Prof Johannes Nicaise and Prof Ana Caraiani. I am interested in non-archimedean geometry and its applications to mirror symmetry and logarithmic geometry. Here is my CV.
I did my Undergraduate and Part III at Trinity College, University of Cambridge where I specialised in Number Theory and did my Part III essay on the Arithmetic Statistics of Elliptic Curves with Professor Jack Thorne.
Outside of my Academic life, you will find me telling stories about Maths and Science through my project ‘Mathmo’. Mathmo is an educational platform which brings to life the human stories behind the ideas in Maths and Science.
I love to have interesting conversations and hear peoples stories so if you would like to chat do send me an email at [email protected].